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Alon Hoffman





Portfolio links:

A Bit About Me

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Full stack programmer.


Recreated Trello from scratch in Vue.js.

Hardworking individual with over two years of experience in programming. Autodidact who is committed to
learning and efficiently applying knowledge to implement solutions.

Work Experience

February 2022 - Present

May 2021 - Present

September 2017 - June 2022

May 2015 - June 2019

Game Developer at Double Jump JLM -  Jerusalem, Israel

Unity Developer (Unity-C#)

Working on projects such as creating gamified physiotherapy treatment using the
Unity Engine. Written in C#.

Personal Game Projects -  Jerusalem, Israel

Unity Developer (Unity-C#)

Games on which I worked on in my free time as a solo developer. My work includes:
game design, level design, art, animation, code, and UI.
True Recoil is an Android mobile zero gravity puzzle platformer game.
Amazon Crime was made for the JLM 2021 Game Jam.
Dropping Fire was made for the VimJam2 Game Jam.

Teacher at Ministry of Education -  Jerusalem, Israel


Created curriculum, with emphasis in digital literacy for high school and classes of
gifted students.
Taught physics, chemistry, biology and technology.

Chess and Strategic Games Instructor -  Israel


Instructed children in strategic games such as chess. Instructions were based around
teaching pattern recognition and creative solutions to strategic problems.

Let's Get Social

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