Ben Braiman
CEO / COO, Product Manager
Portfolio site:
A Bit About Me
My passion is divided between gaming, moviemaking, technology and business.
I'm a people person who loves learning new things and working in teams on big projects.
Work Experience
April 2022 - Present
April 2022 - Present
December 2021 – March 2022
Double Jump JLM Co-Op - Jerusalem, Israel
Unity Technical Artist and Product Management
I started working as a generalist and moved to product management.
Freelance work - Jerusalem, Israel
Motion, 3D animation, and more.
Worked on serval projects - Compositing for a short 2D animated movie called NOOL, cleaned some motion capture animations for the Hive Studio (Xspace). until we started Double jump, I also took a short 3D modeling course in Blender and also participated on a product management course in Hands on Games.
Kan 11 - Jerusalem, Israel
Motion design and graphics for the news.
I did it mostly with Adobe After Effects.