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Mercury Leonardo Finnegan





Portfolio links:

A Bit About Me

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Over 4 years of experience developing games with Unity for both PC and Phones.


Strong problem-solving and creative thinking with great interpersonal relations. Proven work experience on a multitude of projects and various frameworks.


Great desire to handle complicated technological challenges. High drive for developing new concepts and implementing them. Participated in several Hackathons and Game jams. Adheres to clean code practices and the SOLID principles.


Mentoring teams in 2022 GameJamPlus.

Work Experience

April 2022 - Present

2021 - Present


2021 - 2022

Double Jump JLM Co-Op -  Jerusalem, Israel

Unity Developer (Unity-C#)

Freelance Work -  Jerusalem, Israel

Unity Developer (Unity-C#)

Strikeco – Created a rhythm game that receives input from a
real-world robot that has a tennis ball attached to it. The game
converts any song to beats, represented by tennis balls that the
player must hit on a real-life robot timed with the song's rhythm.
BoBo Balance – Created screens by design team's requirements
and adjusted them according to the client's feedback. Made an
automated build tool that uses Git commands to generate a build


Working with several companies to deliver reliable solutions


Working with a team of developers to deliver updates to
an existing app under short sprints.

Fitting app UI to multiple screens' resolution, from small
phones to large iPads.


Writing GDDs per client's requests.

Dungeon-Sim -  Israel

Unity Developer (Unity-C#)

Dungeon Sim is a 3D 3rd Person Action game for the PC, in collaboration with two other indie games. Led a team of two programmers and two artists to create the game for Totem.


Developed a full game from design to finished product. Received community feedback and implemented it. 

Eramorph -  Israel

Unity Developer (Unity-C#)

Planned several features from architecture to development and
support. Implemented varied design patterns by need.


Integrated 3rd party apps (Instagram, Facebook, Google, Monday)
to product, using GraphQL via their APIs (Python & C#).


Worked on product from backend (AWS) to frontend.

Let's Get Social

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